Grano Organico Wheat and Bulgur

Highest Quality, All Natural

Ontario Grown, Wheat & Bulgur

Kosher Certified | Non-GMO | All Natural | Halal Certified

About Grano Organico

Grano Organico Inc. is a manufacturer of the highest quality wheat bulgur in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and one of the largest wheat bulgur producers in the country. Grano Organico Inc. has been producing Bulgur wheat and Haleem wheat (pearled wheat) for over 10 years and that makes us one of Canada’s premier suppliers. Our very modern facility in Canada produces some of the highest quality Bulgur wheat possible. Grano Organico supplies Bulgur wheat to Canadian and USA distributors as well as wholesalers throughout North America under private label.

The Highest Quality Wheat & Bulgur

We are the manufacturer of the highest quality wheat bulgur in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. To date we have shipped our products throughout Canada and the United States and we are just getting started.

wheat distributor